Can’t Never Could.

Won’t never would.

Recently, I put myself in a place that I shall never go again. Driving while texting, talking, or searching for the perfect song on a playlist is reckless and dumb. I like my life. I’ve been in accidents and have learned my lessons. There is no excuse. Recklessness and rude can take a hike and build up some endorphins. The entire evening I was screamed at, told to shut up, and basically treated like I was annoying by someone who needs to go back to school. Of course, I weathered the storm but, I needed silence the whole next day. Negative people drain everyone around them when they never fix their issues. I’m a positive person so, I irritate the crap out of Negative Nancy.

Here is my response after meditating and getting my chill back:

It’s a switch that needs to be flipped in the mindset…. By constantly talking about negative stuff it’s like you are bathing in it. For sure there are things in life that need to be handled that are stressful but, (and here’s the flip) handle it and be thankful it’s done. Focus on the path ahead and set reasonable goals that you can visualize and allow yourself to walk down the path. Talk about your goals as if you are there. I wake up and start with an affirmation…. something like, “I am thankful to have a toothbrush and GO ME cause I just brushed my pearly whites and damn I got a great smile.” Then, I voice my gratitude for the abundance of day ahead. And if right now you are reading this and are saying, “I can’t” then, you never could. There is only so much that I personally will take of people wallowing in their failure and mucking up the place constantly bitching and crying. You might find that the only people that you can hang out with are cry babies too.

I am far from perfect but, I try. I can and will and I hope you join me.



Finding My Way


I have taken a Leave of Absence from the Bachelors program for Nutrition Science  from Kaplan University to refocus on the path I am on. I am applying to The University of Texas at San Antonio, or UTSA. There is a collaborative program  with ACEND and I feel it is necessary to step into a program that can truly propel my aspirations into success.niceb